About Housing Choice Vouchers

The Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) Program (formerly known as Section 8), administered by the Albert Lea Housing & Redevelopment Authority (ALHRA), represents a vital federal initiative designed to assist very low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Following HUD rules and regulations, this program empowers eligible participants to secure quality, safe, and sanitary housing within the private market. Participants are free to choose their own homes, be it apartments, townhouses, or single-family houses, provided these meet the program’s specific criteria.

A unique feature of the HCV program is its mobility aspect, allowing participants to look for suitable housing anywhere in the City of Albert Lea, thereby not limiting them to specific areas or housing types. This flexibility underscores the program’s commitment to accommodating the diverse needs and preferences of its beneficiaries.

Currently, the ALHRA oversees assistance for 155 housing units across Freeborn County. Interested applicants can obtain more information and apply for the HCV program at the ALHRA office, located at 800 S 4th Avenue, Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007.

The HCV program operates through a waiting list system. When open, the list accepts applications from all eligible individuals, ranking them based on set preferences. Those with more preferences are prioritized. Once a family reaches the top of this list and is deemed eligible, the ALHRA issues them a housing voucher.

Upon obtaining a voucher, the family’s responsibility is to find a private rental unit that meets the program’s standards. When a suitable unit is found, a unique three-way agreement comes into play: the ALHRA enters into a contract with the property owner, the family signs a lease with the owner, and each party makes their respective payment so that the owner receives the full rent amount. It’s important to note that while the ALHRA approves the family for the program, the property owner retains the right to approve them as renters.

As long as the family remains eligible and the housing unit continues to qualify under HCV standards, the ALHRA will continue its payments to the property owner. These payments cover the portion of rent that exceeds what the family can afford, which is determined based on their income.

Property owners interested in participating in the HCV program are encouraged to contact the HRA office at (507) 377-4375 for detailed, no-obligation information. A list of participating rental properties in Freeborn County can be found on Properties.

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